By Madeleine Woon
Call me a product of the self-improvement generation, but I get a real buzz out of making lofty New Year's resolutions, regardless of whether or not they stick around to witness the end of the year. In the name of #PersonalGrowth, I decided to eschew overly ambitious resolutions this year—the ones that have a knack for getting cast aside like a piece of trash come March—in favor of a simpler approach. I have one resolution, and that’s to prioritize my health above everything. The fine print: No more cigarettes (this is the year, I swear!), thrice weekly yoga sessions, regular mental and physical health check-ins, and establishing a solid skincare routine.
The first part of this is fairly easy to execute. They say if you love something you must set it free, and so in a dramatic and preemptively smug move, I tossed the last cigarette I had in the bin on January 1st. I’ve found myself a yoga buddy who holds me accountable and pencilled in some dates with my doctor and therapist. But the skincare one was going to require a bit of research. And so, I rifled through ZitSticka's FaceTime archives to find the best tips and tricks from our favorite professionally good-looking people. It is literally their business to possess glowing visages, and so it is in our best interest to listen to what they have to say. Clear skin that’ll have you looking as embryonic as Baby Yoda awaits you in 3, 2, 1…
Model Jordan Murray on being resourceful in the face of greasy skin…
“If you’re a greasy girl like me, toilet seat covers and unbleached napkins are amazing (free) blotting papers.”Brand Partnerships Specialist Emma Bates on dealing with bitchy skin while traveling…
“I definitely find that a less is more approach is better when on the move. For example, if my skin is reacting to an external stress such as a change in water, temperature, or humidity, I try to let it adapt on its own, rather than panic and attempt to fix it with a slew of emergency products. That and my in-flight regime. This involves: exfoliating wipes or retinol, a Go-To sheet mask, a lip polishing mask and a sociopathically timed moisturizing schedule. Plus water. Lots of water.”
Period Space Founder & Model Jessica Wu on dealing with period skin…
“When I know my period is approaching, I try my best to be on my best behavior in areas like diet, fitness, and stress management. I'm not particularly reactive to any types of food, but there's a higher chance of my skin breaking out when I eat exorbitant amounts of dairy or fried foods. Being in New York City, your skin and pores are exposed to so many pollutants, so I make sure to get a good workout and sweat it out at the gym or on an outside run to get everything out of my system! Lastly, stress is something that can creep up on you so it's not entirely in your control, but there are ways to decompress (such as exercising!) that will prevent those stress hormones from affecting your skin. The key to everything is really balance and knowing what's best for your body, which is something you learn as you pay more attention to your cycle over the years.”
Instagram Angel Kenny Screven on fierce confidence…
“It took me a really long time to be comfortable in the skin that I’m in. Today, I could literally wear a trash bag and feel so confident. It’s all about owning your look and serving face <3. When you feel good about yourself, that energy just radiates and it's easy for other people to see that. I know it sounds cliche but how you carry yourself really matters. You can be the most attractive person in the world but if you don't have any confidence, it takes away from the appeal.”
Model Jess Vander Leahy on battling hormonal breakouts…
“If I’m having a breakout I get a little salicylic acid peel from my dermatologist; this is a type of beta-hydroxy acid and is often in over the counter acne creams, but if you get it straight up from a professional it’s super effective. I also get prescribed topical clindamycin—a type of antibiotic—when I have weeks where the skin issues are deep and just won’t clear.”
Thing is, no-one is really immune from an untimely breakout. If or when one shows up... well, you know who to call.