
Oligopin, also known as french pine bark extract, is found in the pine tree Pinus pinaster. This extract, while lesser known than its other ingredient counterparts, is actually a phenomenal ingredient when it comes to anti-aging. A 12 week study that included 112 women that were experiencing photo-aged skin took Oligopin supplementation, and found that it significantly reduced pigmentation of age spots and overall hydration. This ingredient has been studied for years, and it’s been found that it contains high levels of antioxidants. Not only has it shown strong signs of reversing aging symptoms of sun spots/photo-aging, melasma, and skin lightening but it can also prevent chronic UVB radiation-induced skin damage and the development of melasma. This legend of an ingredient has been used throughout the years not only in skincare and supplements, but also in food products as well. Yet another bonus: A study conducted to assess the skin-lighting and anti-aging benefits of Oligopin found that daily use increased overall skin-elasticity If you don’t know, now you know.
Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract comes from, you guessed it, grapes (They’re not only great for fruit salads, friends)! Grape seed extract contains a component called proanthocyanidin, which is an extremely powerful antioxidant. A 6-month study was conducted testing the efficacy of orally ingesting grape seed extract, and it was found to be successful in reducing hyperpigmentation and melasma.
Not only is grape seed extract a KING at reducing hyperpigmentation and melasma, but it has multiple benefits for the rest of your body as well. Most notably, when taken as a supplement, it’s known to reduce blood pressure, improve blood flow, and increase collagen levels (which also leads back to maintaining healthy skin). Grape seed extract for prez!
Lutein & Zeaxanthin
These besties for the resties are a power duo. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two different types of carotenoids, which can be found in various vegetables and plants. Food fun fact: spinach is extremely high in lutein & zeaxanthin… make sure you’re throwing that ‘nach in your smoothies, dear readers. These two ingredients have a special power. A light-t blocking power. They’re famous for protecting the skin from sunlight, and especially blue light (the light we get emitting from our phones and laptops).Both of these components work to curb discoloration from melanin overproduction. A randomized 12-week study had 50 subjects take these two as supplements. The study found that overall skin tone and luminosity were significantly increased as a result.
Beta Carotene