The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Staff Picks
The Spot

The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Staff Picks

A gift guide for the holidays... groundbreaking. But seriously, we're here to streamline things. Last minute work projects come up. Rowdy family members you haven't seen in a year muscle in asking if you have a s/o (you broke up). You overbook yourself with plans you optimistically accepted the week prior, only to realize you'd rather be alone watching Bridesmaids for the twelfth time. Essentially, sh!t happens, and you've left your gifting to the last minute. That's where we come in! Here, some of the ZS staff members surrender their insider gift recommendations, so you don't have to do the work. 


Mel, Communications Director

My skin is generally easygoing, but becomes a sassy and uncooperative when the holidays roll around (I'm pointing fingers at over-indulging, stress + being on planes). The Patch It Up bundle has all bases covered—hormonal zits, whiteheads and dark spots—and are packaged individually for fuss-free travel.


Vivian, Social Media & Editorial Coordinator

Ahh. Tis the season of gift giving (and receiving ;D). Not to expose some of my siblings, but both of my brothers are quite active. The problem with this? They tend to not shower right after they workout. This then frequently leads to body acne. Therefore, I will be gifting them BODY DOUBLE: ZitSticka's new bodycare bundle containing SILKSHAKE (to treat current breakouts) and FIZZ FOUNTAIN (to prevent future breakouts). Tis also the season for clear skin!


Patrick, Senior Designer

Since I live in New York, the winters can get a bit frigid, so I always try to travel somewhere warm after all the holiday craziness. However, whenever I fly anywhere, my skin always feels parched after a long flight, and sometimes even breaks out from my skin barrier being abruptly disrupted. I love using the PRESS REFRESH mask after those long flights. It's the only mask that truly fits my face and gives me the perfect dose of hydration while also preventing breakouts. Nobody wants pimps on holiday.


Janice, Brand Marketing Director

I allow myself to eat whatever I want during the holidays. Like clockwork, the week after a few days of eating bottomless sweets and indulging in some plum wine, I can always count on my skin to produce epically pesky + juicy zits. If this rings a bell for you (or for someone you know), GOO GETTER indubitably has to be on your holiday list. I love seeing the goo come after a GOO GETTER application. Every time I see a friend with a juicy one, I always offer a GG patch. 


Hannah, Brand Marketing Manager

It's always been so hard for me to find sunscreen that doesn't break me out! MEGASHADE quickly became my sunscreen go to leaving me with no breakouts and hydrated skin! This SPF meets serum is my favorite skin prep before applying makeup leaving me with the ultimate glow.


Katherine, E-Commerce Director

It's as simple as this: if you get hormonal acne AND you always get dark spots from said acne (like myself), the BETTER TOGETHER bundle is literally a godsend. You've got a patch for each situation. I also LOVE these patches specifically because I'm able to bring a few patches with me everywhere in my bag. I use these every single month when I get my period, and it's nice knowing I really don't have to worry about hormonal breakouts and the aftermath. I've got weapons for those ;)


Ben, Creative Director


Whenever my friends ask for product recommendations, my go-tos are always PRESS REFRESH and KILLA. They're the most ideal acne-fighting duo IMO because you have one product for upkeep and preventing zits (PRESS REFRESH), and one product for any active zits you need to get rid of STAT. My fiancé and I use the masks around 1-2 a week, and doing this has seriously helped keep our breakouts at bay. If a nasty one does somehow come about, we have our KILLA patches as a resolute backup.


Kate, Senior Retail Marketing Director

Let’s be real- we all know unwanted pimples, puffiness, and redness are unavoidable during the holiday season. The DIY Spa Pack is my SAVIOR for all surface issues I want cleared immediately. But most importantly, it’s my me-moment post family time overload.


Do all of these products sound fab? Well... we just launched our Maximalist Holiday Bundle that generously includes all of our products! The best part? You save $33 on this literal bundle of joy. Click here to learn more.